Book Blogger Hop Hosted by Billy B. at Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer
This Week Question:
If you could have lunch with any living authors and/or book bloggers, who would you choose and why? (submitted by Kitty @ Vicarious Bookworm)
My Answer:
Ohh this is a real hard question because there are so many authors/ book bloggers that I absolutely love and adore. I am going too pick two book bloggers that are my top two absolute favorite bloggers to follow. I would say the two book bloggers that I would love too have lunch would be Alyssa from The Eater Of Books and Melissa from Melissa Martin's Reading List & Ramblings . Alyssa is such an amazing book blogger and I absolutely love her reviews I actually bought a few books she highly recommend and read and I absolutely love the books as well. Melissa and I have the same taste in books and we have read a lot of the same books, which we both totally love and adore always the same books. Plus Melissa is a dog lover just like me and we both share pictures of our pups on our blogs and social media sites too.