Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Road to Eugenica by A.M. Rose

Today we have the release blitz for ROAD TO EUGENICA by AM Rose! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy!

Title: Road to Eugenica
Author: AM Rose
Genre: YA Sci-fi
About Road to Eugenica:
Two dimensions - And the girl who connects them.
Yesterday, Drea Smith couldn’t do anything spectacular—even walking and texting at the same time was a challenge. But today, she suddenly has more answers than Google, can speak and understand numerous languages, and she can fight. Like a boss.
Super freaky.
Drea has no idea where her encyclopedic knowledge has come from, but she’ll take it when she discovers someone out there knows her secret and wants her badly. And that they’ve been searching for her since she was born.
Since she was created.
With the help of her best friend Dylan, who just wants to keep her safe, and Maddox, a mysterious new boy who is prepared to get her answers, Drea will have to push her new skills to their limit as she uncovers nothing is quite what it seems.
As she uncovers…Eugenica.
Get Your Copy Today!
Exclusive Excerpt:
I get to the game early and weave through the rowdy crowd wearing our school colors, black and turquoise. Some guys really go all out for these games and paint their shirtless bodies, spelling out the word P-A-N-T-H-E-R-S on their chests. Others wear costumes or headbands with cat ears. It’s pretty tame compared to our football games. Those are completely overly exaggerated affairs.
I skip the concession stand to grab a few seats away from my regular spot. As much as I’d love to snack on some licorice, and the popcorn smell that floats in the air makes my stomach growl, I’m ready for some answers from Maddox, and I don’t need any distractions.
Trumpets blare. The band starts to play, and the cheerleaders wave their pom-poms as the team lines up to run onto the field. My phone chirps, just as the band breaks into our fight song.
Where are you?
I ignore the cheerleaders’ plea to repeat “time to fight, time to win,” and text him back telling him where to find me.
This is it. My chance to get some answers. Except my hands are shaking, and my knee is bouncing like crazy. While I wait for him, I try to get my nerves under control and check out who showed up for the game near my regular seat. I spot a few people who only come to games occasionally. They don’t even know the rules, they just cheer when everyone else does. Nadia’s here, too, except she’s abandoned her usual pink hoodie for a regular school one that looks like the one I have on. And her normally gorgeous flowing dark hair is wrapped up in a messy bun, like mine. I don’t even have the time to think about what she’s playing at.
I roll my eyes and then immediately jerk back. No. It can’t be. Two rows behind her are piercing green eyes.
Blood drains from my face and redirects to my pounding heart; I have to grip the bench to stay upright. The rest of the crowd seems to disappear, and I’m alone staring at a man dressed all in black. Scared can’t begin to describe this. My breath is ripped from my chest, and I feel like I’m suffocating as I focus on the crescent-shaped scar on his face. Shit. No. He can’t be here. Not real, not real. He’s just my imagination.
But a woman slides past him, stumbles, and catches herself on his shoulder. She smiles apologetically, and he mumbles something back. I’m frozen in fear. Fireworks explode in my chest. Shit, shit, shit. He is real. And he’s really here. I shrink back into the crowd in my row, but I don’t take my eyes off him. He’s always appeared and vanished like a flash, but now he’s sitting here, right next to the space I usually fill. No way it’s a coincidence. He keeps turning his head in every direction, and a thought sinks in my stomach. He’s looking for me. That’s when my fear morphs into something more.
About AM Rose:
A.M. Rose is the author of Road to Eugenica, and writer of young adult novels of all genres as long as they have a hint of romance, the drinker of too much coffee (with way too much coconut creamer), and lover of all carbohydrates.
Currently, she lives in Houston, TX with her three boys (yes, her husband is in that count) and three cats. When she isn’t writing about swoony boys or ways for her MC to get into trouble, she is an avid reader, critiquer, (is that even a word?) and trampoline enthusiast.
A.M. Rose is a graduate from San Diego State University with a BA in Communication and a minor in underwater basket weaving. (Okay, maybe not the basket weaving part.)
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