Life Update & Blog Break!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hello, my lovely friends as the title say this is a life update and I am also taking a blog break. I can't tell you right now when I am coming back to blogging again, but I am hoping to be back by the end of the summertime if I can. Right now my health and my life are my priorities so, unfortunately, reading books has to take a back seat for a moment but I will read and review books for blog tours that I am still on for May and June. Now the beginning of this month has been very emotional for me in every way, there's is a lot that is going on with me in my health and my life right now I won't go into any of the details now. But what I can tell you that my faith and my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ & my Ever Blessed Mother Virgin Mary has opened my eyes completely to them and I gave them finally my full trust and confidence in them. I always love them but I never really gave them my full trust and confidence in them. But my faith and the supports of my close friends and family members I can tell you I left all my worries, anxieties, mental illness and complete health and my life in their pure ever blessed hands because I know they are always with me wherever I go and now I can truly say that I completely love, confide and trust them with everything within me because they have blessed me so many times and they continue blessing me in every way. And I  am truly thankful and very grateful for my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and My Blessed Ever Virgin Mary for blessing me and for everything they do for me everyday.  Now don't worry my friends I will be back hopefully by the end of the summer but I will be much stronger than ever when I do come back. Much blessing and love to all. Take Care and Stay Safe my friends!