The Autumn Book Tag-Weekend Book Tag Day #15

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ahh yes fall is finally here and it is getting a lot cooler outside nice to stay inside my warm home and read a book. I have a weekend book tag today for you my friend and it is The Autumn Book Tag that I found at  The Quirky Booknerd blog. Please go check out her blog it is a really awesome book blog!

Now Onward To The Questions!

1. What is your favorite thing about autumn?

This might sound weird or funny but I love it when I go outside in the crisp cooler air and smell firewood burning in a campfire near where I live out in the fall. I just love the smell of wood burning in a campfire.

2. What book reminds you of your school days?

I absolutely love The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel the first book Evermore reminds me so much about my high school years. It really was a very nostalgic read for me when I first read it years ago.

3. What cover reminds you of autumn?

I just read Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks (Illustrator) a couple of days ago and think it is the perfect read for the fall and Halloween. Plus just look at the gorgeous book cover doesn't it scream autumn!

4. What is your favorite horror or Halloween story?

I don't read a lot of horror books and I absolutely love horror films, but this year I really wanted to read more horror books and a lot of my friends had recommended me to read a Stephen King book. So I jump on the wagon and I am currently listening to It by Stephen King in disc form from the library, because there is no way I am going to read the big physical book. And I am caught surprise how I am really enjoying this book I know Stephen King is not for everybody and I totally understand why and that's ok. But I never thought I would ever be caught in enjoying a Stephen King novel. 

5. What is your favorite horror or Halloween film?

I have two favorite Halloween films that I absolutely love to watch every year in October one film that is very scary and suspenseful Halloween films and the second film that is less scarier and more fun film is Hocus Pocus. Both of these two films are my all time favorite cult-classics Halloween films that I just love to watch every year on October!

6. What fall book release are you looking forward to?

I am going to start to read The Cruel Prince in October and read The Wicked King in November to get ready to get the final book The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air, #3) by Holly Black in November 19, 2019!

7. What autumn movie release are you anticipating?

At this moment I am really not anticipating any movies at this time for now. 

8. What are the three books you plan to read this autumn?

I tag anybody who wants to do this fun The Autumn Book Tag! It really was a great and fun tag.


  1. Great tag I loved reading your answers. I'm really looking forward to Queen of Nothing too. I have it on preorder.
    Gemma @ Gemma's Book Nook

    1. Thank you it was a really fun tag to do, thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  2. Great questions, and answers. This was a fun tag.

    1. Thank you it was a really fun tag to do, thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  3. I am one of those people who loves everything pumpkin - I adore autumn

    1. Me too I really love Autumn as well, thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  4. Great tag, I love Autumn too, except for the rain.

    1. Thank you and thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  5. Great tag. I always try to watch Hocus Pocus with my daughter on Halloween. (She is now 20 and I am 46 but we still try to watch that and Beetlejuice.)

    1. Ohh I love Beetlejuice as well, thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  6. This is such a fun tag! I love the smell of campfire, and the cool air is divine after a long heatwave. I adore Hocu Pocus. I can't wait to watch it again this year. It is slowly becoming a tradition. Happy reading!

    1. I really love Hocus Pocus as well, thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  7. The main thing I like about the fall is that summer is gone. I love reading Stephen King but IT is intimidates me with its sheer size.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I now what you mean about It being a intimidating book to read that's why I decided to check the audio disk from the library and listen to It through disk form. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog my friend.

  8. I love Hocus Pocus! It's one of my favorite fall traditions ever since I was little. And as much as I love Stephen King, there's no way I will ever read It. I have no current fear of clowns and figure - why fix what's not broken LOL. Great tag!
