Book Blogger Hop #45

Friday, June 16, 2017

Book Blogger Hop Hosted by Billy B. at Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer

This Week Question:

How do you organize your blog in terms of what is in your side bar? Do you have categories and defined sections in your side bar? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

My Answer:

I actually got my blog re-design almost a year ago by a very nice book blogger, that I won her giveaway on her blog for a blog re-design she was doing on her giveaway for.  And she actually organized everything on my blog for me except a few things I put on there that I wanted. Other than that she did all the organize  on my blog and she did a terrific job! I absolutely love how she organized and did everything on my blog especially my sidebar. 

 How About You?


  1. She did a great job organizing your blog! Mine has some order, but is a bit random as well. I hope you have a great weekend! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes I really love how she did the whole blog, thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop. Have a great weekend to you as well! :D

  2. Nice blog.

    I enjoy stopping because it is very pretty.

    Have a good weekend, and I like defined and titled sections. We think alike. :)

    Nice to see you on the Hop this week.

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth yes we both do think alike. Have a great weekend my friend!

  3. Oh, that's awesome that you won a giveaway for a blog design! I've been considering redesigning mine soon... I'm totally learning as I go and doing it myself though... so it make take longer than I'm hoping.

    1. Ohh that's is so cool you can re-design your blog on your own, I so wish that I have that talent. But unfortunately I don't have the talent to redesign my whole blog lol. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop Erica have a great weekend.

  4. Yes, your sidebar is very legible and tidy. Looks good!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop Nicki! Have a great weekend my friend!

  5. I love how easy it is to see what you've posted and how the covers pop against the neutral color!

    1. Thank you Dani and thank you for stopping by my blog hop.

  6. How lucky that you one such a fantastic prize! I love the design of your site.

    Terri M., the Director

    1. Thank you so much and thank you for stopping by my blog hop!

  7. I love your sidebar! Very organized. That's fantastic that you won a free blog makeover. Happy Reading.

    1. Yes I was so happy and so surprise I won that giveaway, thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop Ali.

  8. Wow that's generous! I intend to make my own blog theme eventually. It's a lot of work to make one that looks great! Your designer did a great job.

    1. I know she did an amazing job on my blog re-design, thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop Edel.

  9. Aww I am so sorry to hear that Vicki, but thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop my friend.
